Hi there!! I’m so glad you stopped by!

I’m Laurie – A Health Coach and Holistic Nutritionist. I love Bulldogs including my Frenchie, and HUGE lover of Mexican food and warm baked chocolate chip cookies. I love spending time riding bikes at the beach with my family, starting the day with my toes in the sand to ground myself and all things health and wellness.

My wellness business is all about finding balance, helping you on your wellness journey by partnering with YOU. Here I will be sharing easy recipes and wellness tips to help inspire you to live a healthy, balanced life.

Let’s be real…it really is all about balance. I myself am not going to pass up delicious tacos and I’m not the kind of coach that’s going to ask you to either!

If you choose to work with me, I will be there to support you on your journey to whole wellness. I will never shame you or pass judgements. Sometimes just knowing someone is in your corner, makes all the difference. I want you to feel safe with me and know that there are never any judgements. I’m there to support you on your hard days and celebrate all of your victories. I am there to listen and encourage you on a path to self-growth. I’d love to help you start thinking of food as medicine and how it can greatly impact and improve your health. To get you excited to feel comfortable in the kitchen and enjoy food knowing it’s helping heal your body. I’ll teach you how to find balance between your favorite foods and indulgences to healthy eating the other 80% of the time.

I’m a big believer in having a healthy relationship with food and positive healthy body image. Health is not about the number on the scale or the size you wear. It’s about finding the right balance in a healthy lifestyle that you can sustain. That you feel good about. What works for one person, doesn’t necessarily work for the other. We are all individuals and it’s about learning what works best for YOU!

You should never ​​have to choose between the things you love and living a healthy life! So, what do you say… want to chat and start your journey to wellness?!

Excited to have you here and to learn about your journey!

